The school is managed by the School Leadership Team comprised of the principal, vice-principal and curriculum coordinator, and supported by the School Advisory Board.
Roles of the School Leadership Team
The School Advisory Board consists of selected parents, administrators and community representatives in the fields of education, business, art and philanthropy. The Board is formed to provide checks and balances with regards to school management and planning. The Board is advisory in nature and meets once per term. While the Board does not have any involvement with the daily operations of the school, it has a number of important duties.
Roles of the School Advisory Board
Roles of the School Leadership Team
- School operations
- Admission processes and decisions
- Administrative and faculty staffing and evaluation
- Curricular and extracurricular development and activities
- Student code of conduct
- Parent management and communication
The School Advisory Board consists of selected parents, administrators and community representatives in the fields of education, business, art and philanthropy. The Board is formed to provide checks and balances with regards to school management and planning. The Board is advisory in nature and meets once per term. While the Board does not have any involvement with the daily operations of the school, it has a number of important duties.
Roles of the School Advisory Board
- Ensuring that the school is fulfilling its mission
- Overseeing development of strategic plan of operation and overall policies, bylaws
- Overseeing the annual school budget
- Overseeing financial accountability
- Financial planning and financial support of the school
- Facility expansion and building renovation